Saturday, November 1, 2008
It was more like he was right about many among us thinking life was but a joke. Which has lead US to just waisting time.
Since the gospel of a brotherhood of mankind has been preached and even trampled all over this Beautiful Planet, we are closer to the days the Lamb said would come. Which having taken a good look around these times, I see the Day of Aquarius (The 5th Dimension...) is closer than it has ever be
(Or even as Marty Stuart sings, “The second coming of the redman is closer than it has ever been.)
That can't be much different than what John Lennon sang in Imagine.
Which is the closest words that has been written lately about having all things in common as the first saints had. I believe Lennon was right when he said, “If the people knew they could have Peace, we would have Peace.”
Even Eisenhower saw a day when the people would demand Peace so much that the govts. Would have to get out of the way and give it to them.
So if these are the latter days spoken of by Daniel, the Lamb and other Prophets... Not just Biblical ones. For even the Native American Indians saw a generation coming which would stop destroying this Beautiful Planet. How will these latter days be played out?
I got clue back in 1994 after I felt I had a purpose when my Mom gave me an article about the Mondragon Cooperative of the Basque in Northern Spain. I saw right away how Unions here in America could work out the details of the wealth being spread out through work.
In Mondragon you cash in your shares as owners of the company upon retirement, and that even includes a Social Security check. There has to be a way to fulfill Isaiah 23:17-18 where it says the wealth is spread out. Even if it means throwing the kings of the earth in jail as Isaiah 24:21-24 says. All of this would surly lead to that big party of Isaiah 25.
Then I saw on CMT for about the 1000th time Little Texas here as I had always sang it: “Rocking Down Angels from the Promised Land.
I said to myself, while on my knees, before the TV mourning about a love that wasn't working out, “That is what happened. We all came down from above. Boy have we been told some trash about these latter days we are living in.”
Then I said, “Woe, I'm Michael. I can't tell anyone this or they will think I am crazy.” Well 4 days latter a Man on the phone completely out of the blue, told me about the war in heaven which was thrown down here to earth in Revelation 12.
Well, I looked it up and saw 12 stars on a women's head, with there being 12 Deweys counting my parents. (of which I was #9 or #11!) My Mom had recently told me I had taken 4 days to be born, and the women was travailing to give birth. And to top it off the child to be born after John's Revelation, was caught up to god and his throne; which I saw after getting knocked off of a 6 foot ladder by 277 volts going in one hand and out the other grounded to an emt pipe.
My foreman came around the corner as a was shaking in a seizure on the floor, told me latter he thought he had rushed me, and that he thought I was gone. For at least months latter I kept asking why I was still here, for there was an imprint in my mind of a white throne. Since I had just recently left the born again church, I thought I had done that unforgivable sin.
It was years after 1994, that I even remembered that 2 Man from out of Town, who had given me a ride in 1978 had told me that I was Michael the archangel. I didn't remember that until after getting driven out of my Abbey Road condo right down the bloke from Club Forty's in what I call Lemon-minister. You all know how many days it rained for with Noah, along with how many years Moses wandered through the desert...
The jukebox came alive more than with just this Neil Young song Hurricane.-for I had seen this little blond in a crazy hazy bar right after my fall from a ladder... And boy did that ladies emotions cut me open (for no good reason.)in 1994 as Neil sings.
[One thing I am differently trying to say is that “Rock and Roll” are prophets of our time. Don't we all know that they speak of what is down inside our hearts? They are the 7 peals of thunder kept secret for our time in Revelation 10. You can find the Beatles song Let it Be in the last advice given to John in Revelation 22:10-11.)
After being driven from Abbey Road and Forty's Club. Some of which was my fault. But I found what was sealed up in Daniel 8:9-14 which Daniel 8 says twice was about the latter days, was that stars and hosts were dragged out of heaven and trampled as humans.-that is the only interpretation which could ever make real sense. For doesn't Daniel 12:1 have to have some meaning to this age, for it is there that says Michael arise?
Another thing that you can be sure of is that I feel like Rod Stewart, when he sings this Rhythm of My Heart is Beating Like a Drum, for true Peace and Liberty, as he sings in this Song.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Don't Get Me Started
Posted by Michael C. Dewey on August 24, 2008 at 11:50pm
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What kind of Freedom can Iraq ever give US? Somehow it seems that Bill O'Reilly's 20 bucks a barrel oil may turn into 20 a gallon if things keep going this way.
Thank god some lady in a bar pushed Rodney Crowell to write this “Don't Get me Started. I came into this Club to unwind." I've been looking for a troubadour such as him since Steve Earle sang “The Revolution Starts Now.” Earle wrote his song to try to Win the White House for Kerry. (So by now you should know whose side that I am on.)
I've heard lots of trumpets in my life. Rodney in 1994 singing “Let the Picture Paint Itself and It Will Be Alright.” All those songs from earlier seemed to rush through my mind. The Traveling Wilburies “Handle US With Care” With Dylan's Tweeter and the Monkey Man- “were hard up for cash...” They knew in Jersey anything was legal as long as you don't get caught.” While tossing in Steve Earle's the Revolution Starts Now, I can't help but recall the Rolling Stone's words, “Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints” -keep running through my mind.
What kind of truth are we looking of here in the Land of the Free? I know what Ben Franklin said back in his time: “A people who will sacrifice liberty for security, shall get nor deserve either.” When “they”can take away the right to drive sober, “they” have crossed the line. “Their” ways will only lead Men who can't get to work, to lose their homes, which will kill their self image, all of which can very likely lead to a life of violent crime, unless some hope can be restored to an oppressed People. Steve Earle here heard the same Voice Woody heard when Woody wrote This Land is Your Land.-(not the oil companies)
How would the powers that be rather be treated? Do they want to spread out the wealth as Isaiah 23:17-18 states, which there is no record of ever being fulfilled? Or are “we the people” going to have to throw the kings in jail to fulfill it, as 24;21-24 states? I would rather “they” start to handle US with much care. (I KNOW WHO THE GUILTY ARE RIGHT NOW! I've seen it for 28 years!)
Have we all learned too sing loud, so we can end war and stuff? I've read plenty of pissed off words about our times, in some very well written articles. I have loved Music since hearing the Beatles, while pretending to play guitar in our drive way. I hope it all ends as peaceful as this Man's song, who opened the door of his house to meet Dylan, who came to meet his Father.
But it can't end there. This John Hinde has recently passed on. An old time troubadour close to the kind Pete Seeger is trying to hammer out Peace with every step Pete makes. If you knew Pete, he could be compared to a super hero. lol Sad to say Pete was blackballed many years ago, and could only sing to kids. It only gave this John Hinde more reason to sing. Raise your Glass.
It was JFK who said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable."
I have worked as Union Electrician in a good part of this land. And the Union Brothers taught me well about how things should work.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Pearls of Thunder
A big part of the confusion from massive chaos at high volume coming out of our TV set, is lots of people having one hand on the Bible, and one on the gun. The 2 don't mix well. Yet we hear many from the religious right I call the MEDIA-RIGHT-STORM, telling many in power, and US, that its GOD'S WILL for US to Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran, so we can fulfill a war THEY call Armageddon (That I call Arm-a-Garden) over in the Middle East.
Some of the R.R. Will say that war is in Daniel 7, along with Revelations. From my looking at Daniel 7, 3 of those beasts powers are taken away after a World Court sits for judgment. Though 1 is given authority to rule for an appointed period of time. Yet in Revelations it says kings of the Earth will go off and make war against the Lamb to fulfill Armageddon. If he does come flying out of the sky, why would we do that? Wouldn't it be more likely that we begged for mercy?
There are Lives in the Balance as THEY march US off to war. We can't escape death today. But is there anything more important than just putting food on the table for US and our Families and Friends? I have come to figure that if America had been minding only the business of “its people” 9-11 never would have happened.
But it sure seems to me that America has been looking out for CORPORATE INTERSTS for so long, it has long forgot about maintaining the basic facts of life. I think I do remember John Lennon saying that he thought our main problem on Planet Earth was that we are just going to fast. I can see fruits of that Lennon fact, in Bush's rush to war with Iraq. Lennon did say, “No other Nation is going to attack America. America will fall from within.” My wish would be for it to get down to a slow crawl. Until we fix it. Before it falls violently from within.
Are there any real solutions to keep this Beautiful Planet from falling deeper and deeper into chaos than its in right now. If you are reading this, chances are you have already heard of lots of things trying to help us all. From calls for a general strike or 2, to a trucker's slow-down, a call to arms to spread all the good online articles around to those not yet connected, and a whole host of other good progressive sites on the web-net.
As I heard Pete Seeger on PBS TV say not too long ago, “Bring all the troops home from all over the World.” This David Evan's You Tube video song, “Bring the Boys Home,” gives US all something to call out for. How long before a generation's lost dreams are fulfilled? If we want to offer this Land's next generation a better life than the last 50 years, bring back to Home Port all of the U.S. Navy Ships, and then Painting them like Colorful Flowers, would make quite a statement to me!
I'll tell you that the New Way Steve Miller found in Space Cowboy is how these latter days we are in will be played out. I would bet that Miller found DANIEL 8:9-14, where Stars and Hosts of Heaven were dragged down here to earth and then trampled by todays establishment. It is explained by Jacob's Ladder, which was a Dream of Angels coming up and down a Ladder. Does that tell you that IT is just like the days of the Lamb. Where the religious leaders are waiting for some superman to come flying out of the sky.
It is going to take “We the People” to legally rob the Banks of their profits, as Isaiah 23:17-18 says. Then to spread out the wealth to all, for fine clothing. That might take throwing the kings of the earth in jail as Isaiah 24:21-24 says. At that time “We the People” shall have reason to celebrate being passed over and have that big party of Isaiah 25.
As long as no one gets a mark to buy or sell, everyone will overcome as that great multitude who go through a great tribulation will. Once they are shown asking for vengeance, then they are shown with palm leaves in their hands. But the most important thing to remember in these days is that no one must ever get a mark put on them to buy or sell. Then we would have changed history.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Beginning of a New Age
Isaiah 2 and Micah 4:3 says they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation and never again will they train for war. We won't have the trouble President Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address of the giant military industrial complex. Won't that free up lots of this Land's problems by giving us more cash to play with?
Many wise men have seen that a standing army has been the “bane of liberty since the sword. America must show the rest of the world how to combine technology with nature.
The Christian Church won't like this statement but I can see that most New Testament as writings that were meant for the people living at the time of those writings. The Gospels are basically just records of history, except for the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew and Luke where Christians are told to turn the other cheek and go the extra mile. The most important verse of the whole New Testament is in Acts where the early saints held all their possessions in common. To me, that sounds more like communism than capitalism.
If you look at the Four Horsemen of Revelations 6 and look at history, you will see that the kings of the earth, and others, have had Authority to wage war. They have been riding for thousands of years. Even people have had authority to take peace from Earth. The Lamb said in Mathew 24 that these days would be shortened or else no one would have survived, even the elect, if that were possible. They were partly shortened by John Lennon's death in the Big Apple. And isn't the heart and soul of Lennon's Imagine having all things in common.
I can only ask you to read Daniel 2, & 7-12, which is all one vision broken up in parts. Then take some time to look around at the times we live in. For these times are just like 200 years ago here, and 2000 years ago in Israel. Daniel 8:9-14 was kept secret in 8:26. It is a vision of a horn (the establishment of today.) which grew up to the hosts of heaven and dragged stars and hosts out of the sky and trampled them. That is pretty much explained by Jacob's Ladder, which was a dream of angels coming up and down a ladder, which folk singers have been singing about for some time with the words, “We are climbing Jacob's Ladder. Every rung going higher and higher making us stronger and stronger.” No super man is going to come flying out of the sky, like so many people have lots of other people waiting for.
Let me tell you this about the Peals of Thunder sealed up in Revelation 10 being Rock and Roll. I was writing one of my four brothers about all the good things that were to happen in the last days, like the lion laying down with the calf, children playing by the cobra den, our beating our swords into union led plowshares, old men dreaming dreams, when this thought popped into my head and I wrote it down just as it came to me, "We may very well have been hearing the seven peals of thunder for sometime now," without ever remembering hearing of the Peals of Thunder.
I knew right away they were Rock and Roll. Take a good look around at the last 50 years and you will clearly see, that it is Rock and Roll which has been singing about true freedom and peace. You can find some of those words that were kept secret in the last advice given to John in Revelation 22:10-11 where he is told to basically let it be, live and let die, which you know Paul McCartney wrote.
I ask you to read about the man named Branch in Zechariah 3 & 6, Isaiah 4 and Jeremiah 23 & 33, for he is the leader who will be one of them in Jeremiah 30:21-24. The Church is wrong in telling you Christ was the Branch. I tell you the branch is one of the Prophets of Revelations 11 who get killed by today's establishment.I really love Jeremiah 31:31-34 where it says they will no longer teach know the lord, for all will l know him. And all our sins will be thrown into the bottom of the sea, never to be remembered ever again.
Jeremiah 23:33-40 is a stern warning for holding to the oracle too, or there will be an everlasting reproach which will never be forgotten if you do. For each Man's own words will become the oracle. Which is the Liberty this Land was founded on. And if you study Jeremiah 23 you will see that pollution has spread through out the Land from the Prophets of the Church.My favorite verse about these days is Daniel 12:3, where those with insight shall shine brightly and lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever and ever.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
OKC Catholic Worker Index HOME
What has 120 different companies, 42,000 worker-owners, 43 schools, one college, does more than 4.8 billion dollars of business annually in manufacturing, services, retail and wholesale distribution, administers more than $5 billion in financial assets, and has a business plan that is animated by the principles of the social doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church?
Answer: the Mondragon Cooperatives of Spain. In 1941, a bishop sent a young priest to teach in a vocational school in Spain's "Basque Country." In addition to the technical curriculum, young Father Jose Maria Arizmediarrieta taught the social doctrine of the Catholic Church to his students. Some of the students began a small cooperative that built kerosene stoves. In 1959, they started what we would today call a credit union. Today, the associated Mondragon Cooperatives manufacture automobile parts, electronic components, valves, taps, appliances. They have a full line of retail outlets (small & large) offering consumer products, food, appliances, and a wholesale food business catering to restaurants. Their bank has more than 100 branches, they offer a full range of insurance, and take care of their own social security and health insurance programs. They are not only holding their own within the "globalizing" economy, they are expanding.
This is one of the success stories of people who take the Church's social doctrine seriously, in particular, the teachings regarding (1) the dignity of the human person and his or her labor, (2) social solidarity, (3) the primacy of labor over capital. In most for profit businesses, labor is hired at the service of capital. For the Mondragon cooperatives, capital is something they rent to benefit the worker-owners.
To Americans, this sounds like an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, but the Mondragon model is not only about distribution of the profits, it is also about the control of the business. Management is elected by the workers, not hired by the money men, and the managers are part of the cooperative process in the enterprise. Each enterprise has a social committee that considers issues of health, safety, environment, and the social responsibilities of the enterprise. Capital is borrowed, stock is not sold for financing. All new employees become worker owners.
A new cooperative begins with a group of friends. Experience in starting 120 businesses over a 40 year period has taught the Mondragon cooperators that the pre-existing bonds of friendship are a good basis for building a productive working relationship. The Mondragon association provides business and marketing research and assistance; their bank provides capital. The workers themselves must invest some of their own money, either as an upfront contribution or as deductions from wages paid over a 2 year period (about $5,000). Their bank sticks with the new co-op until they can go it alone; if the business gets into trouble, interest on their loans is waived, payments may be suspended, and parts of the loans may be forgiven. The group may be assisted into another line of business or work. As a result, since 1956, they have had only one total failure of a cooperative.
Ten percent of corporate profits are donated to charity, 40% are retained by the cooperative to be used to benefit the "common good" of the cooperative (research, development, job creation, etc.), and the balance of the profits goes into capital accounts for the worker owners. These funds may be borrowed against at the cooperative's bank at very low interest rates, and are important parts of the social security arrangements.
Democracy in the workplace? Capital at the service of Labor? It all sounds idealistic I'm sure, except for the fact that it is actually working, profitable, and growing. The cooperative business model is not a stranger to Oklahoma, most rural areas have farmer's cooperatives and there are credit unions everywhere, but the Mondragon model of worker-owners is a different twist to what is typically found around here. If we are going to talk about economic development, helping people reach their full development as human persons, benefitting the common good, and enhancing the dignity of the human person, we have to talk about practical ways to implement these ideals. This is what the Mondragon Cooperatives of Spain have done, and it is a model that can be considered for implementation right here in Oklahoma -- if we ever decide to take the social doctrines of the Church as seriously as we do the other teachings of the Faith.
Basic Principles of the Mondragon Cooperatives of Spain
This summary consists of both direct quotes (in "") and our summary of the Mondragon text.
The Cooperatives do not discriminate on the basic of religious, political, ethnic, or sex when it comes to becoming a member of the Cooperative.
All authority is vested in the "general assembly," which consists of all the worker owners of the enterprise, one person one vote. The general assembly elects the "Governing Council", which would be like the Board of Directors, which appoints (and removes) the organization's management..
"In the MCC Co-operatives it is understood that Labor is the main factor for transforming nature, society and human beings themselves. As a result, Labor is granted full sovereignty in the organization of the co-operative enterprise, the wealth created is distributed in terms of the labor provided and there is a firm commitment to the creation of new jobs. As far as the wealth generated by the Co-operative is concerned, this is distributed among the members in proportion to their labor and not on the basis of their holding in Share Capital. The pay policy of MCC's co-operatives takes its inspiration from principles of Solidarity, which are materialized in sufficient remuneration for labor on the basis of solidarity."
Worker owners receive competitive and just salaries and dividends based on the profitability of the co-op.
Generally, a corporation sells shares of ownership and management to raise capital, and then hires labor. The Mondragon Cooperatives do not sell shares in order to raise capital. Here, the workers own the enterprise and the management and rent the capital.
"This Principle implies the progressive development of self-management and, consequently, of the participation of the members in business management. This requires: (1) The development of adequate mechanisms and channels for participation. (2) Transparent information with respect to the performance of the basic management variables of the Co-operative. (3) The use of methods of consultation and negotiation with the worker-members and their social representatives in those economic, organizational and labor decisions which affect them. (4) The systematic application of social and professional training plans.
(5) The establishment of internal promotion as a basic means of covering positions with greater professional responsibility."
" The Mondragón Co-operative Experience declares sufficient payment based on solidarity to be a basic principle of its management. Solidarity is manifest both internally and externally, as well as at the Corporate level."
The Cooperatives cooperate with each other, with other cooperatives in the area, and with national and international cooperative organizations.
The Cooperatives acknowledge a duty to contribute to the common good: (1) by reinvesting a high proportion of their profits, including regular investments in community funds for job creation; (2) 10% of the net profit of the Cooperatives is donated to charitable organizations; (3) taking care of their social security, unemployment, and health insurance requirements (through a cooperative owner by the other cooperatives; and (4) being active in their community.
"The Mondragón Co-operative Experience, as an expression of its universal vocation, proclaims its solidarity with all those who work for economic democracy in the sphere of the Social Economy and supports the objectives of Peace, Justice and Development, characteristic of the International Co-operative Movement. Likewise, through OTALORA, which is our Business and Co-operative Training Centre, we try and disseminate co-operative culture on the basis of our own social-economic experience, developed over the last 40 years."
"Education and Training have played a decisive role in the creation and development of the Mondragón Co-operative Movement. Its founder and main driving force, the priest José MarÃa Arizmendiarrieta, was always quite clear that 'education, understanding as such the complex of ideas and concepts adopted by a man, is the key to the development and progress of a people'. Insisting on this idea, Father Arizmendiarrieta liked to repeat 'that education is the natural and indispensable cornerstone for the promotion of a new humane and just social order' and that 'knowledge has to be socialised to democratise power'.
"Therefore, on the basis of this approach, the first thing he did when he came to Mondragón was to create the Polytechnic School in 1943 (today Mondragón Eskola Politeknikoa), which during all these years has been the main source of managers and skilled workers for our co-operatives."
Friday, March 14, 2008
Peace Treaty
"The Peace Treaty"
"We The People, in good faith, hereby promise to work toward ceasing U.S. military occupations of Muslim land and promise to work toward ceasing Congressional funding and arming of the Israeli governnent in exchange for your promise of cessation of all Muslim terrorist attacks against the United States of America." |
Hillary re-authorized this war over 13 times! If Hillary was a decent person, she would resign immediately because her guilty conscious would force her to resign. Unfortunately, Hillary feels no guilt or remorse in being responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and God knows how many Iraqis - that's why she won't apologize, much less resign from office. I believe the American people should hold Hillary and the other Senators who unconstitutionally authorized Bush to use force against Iraq accountable for their actions. Without accountability, we have no democracy. Without democracy, we have no constitution. Without our Constitution, we have no life - literally.
The fact remains: each time an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian with American-made and provided weapons, the entire Muslim world squarely and rightfully blames America for those needless deaths. These unlawful, immoral killings have been a staple of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine for over four decades now - and you wondered why they attack and hate us. The bottom line is, as long as our Congress funds and arms Israel, that's how long America will continue to be the target of terrorism.
bin Laden said we can end terrorism against America by electing representatives to Congress who represent the interests of the American people instead the interests of Israel.
Bin Laden said, "We swore that America wouldn't live in security until we live it truly in Palestine. This showed the reality of America, which puts Israel's interest above its own people's interest. America won't get out of this crisis until it gets out of the Arabian Peninsula, and until it stops its support of Israel."
The fact remains: As long as our Congress continues to fund and arm Israel's illegal military occupation of Palestinian territories, that's how long America will continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism.
The question remains: Is it worth it? Is it worth unlawfully funding and arming Israel, just so America can continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism? Is it worth continuing to militarily occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, just so America can continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism?
The answer remains: Of course not.