Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pearls of Thunder

There is Something Happening Here, what it is became crystal clear to me 14 long years ago in 1994. Even though the song “For What its Worth” by Buffalo Springfield, was inspired by armed military men on a street corner here in America, Land of the Free, back in the 60's. Like many other words to songs, by the Rock and Roll of the 7 Pearls (As I call Them) of Thunder kept secret in Revelation 10, can have more than one meaning. Can we all figure out exactly what it is that is going down? Another hint is the New Way Steve Miller found in Space Cowboy.

A big part of the confusion from massive chaos at high volume coming out of our TV set, is lots of people having one hand on the Bible, and one on the gun. The 2 don't mix well. Yet we hear many from the religious right I call the MEDIA-RIGHT-STORM, telling many in power, and US, that its GOD'S WILL for US to Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran, so we can fulfill a war THEY call Armageddon (That I call Arm-a-Garden) over in the Middle East.
Some of the R.R. Will say that war is in Daniel 7, along with Revelations. From my looking at Daniel 7, 3 of those beasts powers are taken away after a World Court sits for judgment. Though 1 is given authority to rule for an appointed period of time. Yet in Revelations it says kings of the Earth will go off and make war against the Lamb to fulfill Armageddon. If he does come flying out of the sky, why would we do that? Wouldn't it be more likely that we begged for mercy?

There are Lives in the Balance as THEY march US off to war. We can't escape death today. But is there anything more important than just putting food on the table for US and our Families and Friends? I have come to figure that if America had been minding only the business of “its people” 9-11 never would have happened.
But it sure seems to me that America has been looking out for CORPORATE INTERSTS for so long, it has long forgot about maintaining the basic facts of life. I think I do remember John Lennon saying that he thought our main problem on Planet Earth was that we are just going to fast. I can see fruits of that Lennon fact, in Bush's rush to war with Iraq. Lennon did say, “No other Nation is going to attack America. America will fall from within.” My wish would be for it to get down to a slow crawl. Until we fix it. Before it falls violently from within.

Are there any real solutions to keep this Beautiful Planet from falling deeper and deeper into chaos than its in right now. If you are reading this, chances are you have already heard of lots of things trying to help us all. From calls for a general strike or 2, to a trucker's slow-down, a call to arms to spread all the good online articles around to those not yet connected, and a whole host of other good progressive sites on the web-net.
As I heard Pete Seeger on PBS TV say not too long ago, “Bring all the troops home from all over the World.” This David Evan's You Tube video song, “Bring the Boys Home,” gives US all something to call out for. How long before a generation's lost dreams are fulfilled? If we want to offer this Land's next generation a better life than the last 50 years, bring back to Home Port all of the U.S. Navy Ships, and then Painting them like Colorful Flowers, would make quite a statement to me!

I'll tell you that the New Way Steve Miller found in Space Cowboy is how these latter days we are in will be played out. I would bet that Miller found DANIEL 8:9-14, where Stars and Hosts of Heaven were dragged down here to earth and then trampled by todays establishment. It is explained by Jacob's Ladder, which was a Dream of Angels coming up and down a Ladder. Does that tell you that IT is just like the days of the Lamb. Where the religious leaders are waiting for some superman to come flying out of the sky.
It is going to take “We the People” to legally rob the Banks of their profits, as Isaiah 23:17-18 says. Then to spread out the wealth to all, for fine clothing. That might take throwing the kings of the earth in jail as Isaiah 24:21-24 says. At that time “We the People” shall have reason to celebrate being passed over and have that big party of Isaiah 25.
As long as no one gets a mark to buy or sell, everyone will overcome as that great multitude who go through a great tribulation will. Once they are shown asking for vengeance, then they are shown with palm leaves in their hands. But the most important thing to remember in these days is that no one must ever get a mark put on them to buy or sell. Then we would have changed history.

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