"The Peace Treaty"
If any of our politicians had courage, and were free from AIPAC influence, that politician would call for a Peace Agreement with the entire Muslim/Arab world; said Peace Agreement would acknowledge and resolve unlawful U.S. government conduct resulting in the needless deaths of thousands of Americans and untold number of Muslims and Arabs. Again, the illegal U.S. government policies I'm referring to are the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes/military occupation and Congress funding and arming Israel's illegal occupation and abuse of Palestinians. - r o n
"We The People, in good faith, hereby promise to work toward ceasing U.S. military occupations of Muslim land and promise to work toward ceasing Congressional funding and arming of the Israeli governnent in exchange for your promise of cessation of all Muslim terrorist attacks against the United States of America." |
It's all about accountability. Accountability is an integral part of a democracy for and by the people. Someone needs to re-introduce accountability into our democracy and it's not going to be the Republicans or Democrats. It's going to be ordinary people like you and I who seek accountability and introduce accountability into our system. Without accountability, you have no democracy. Without accountability, you have the Hillarys of our political system continuing to openly violate our nation's laws and constitution. Without accountability, there are no "lessons learned." Without accountability, American sons and daughters will continue to be sent to their unnecessary deaths in these unconstitutional wars and military actions. Who's going to hold these two parties accountable? Are they going to police themselves? No. Both parties are guilty of openly violating our nation's laws and constitution, resulting in the needless deaths of thousands of Americans and untold Iraqis. Do you want to hold both parties accountable? I do.
The Apology
Hillary, and the other Senators who voted for unprovoked institutional violence, must be held to account for unconstitutionally giving George W. Bush the faux authority to use force against a sovereign nation who posed no threat to the United States of America. I believe we can put the squeeze play on Hillary by calling her hand. I want to make an ad demanding an apology from Hillary, demanding an apology for her unconstitutionally sending America's sons and daughters, mommas and daddys to die in Iraq. The FACT REMAINS: if Hillary and the other assenting Senators refrained from unconstitutionally giving Bush the authority to use force against a sovereign nation, your sons and daughters would NOT have been killed in Iraq. Therefore, Hillary owes you and all the other family members and parents of children killed in Iraq, an apology and a promise to never attempt to pass an unconstitutional use of force resolution again. Do you want to hold Hillary accountable? I do.
The Resignation
After Hillary apologizes, (fat chance) she needs to resign from politics, (even fatter chance) because any elected official who thumbs their nose and disregards our U.S. Constitution in the discharge of her duty as U.S. Senator should resign, effective immediately. Hillary, as a U.S. Senator, owes Americans a duty to uphold our American law and our U.S. constitution; which includes upholding and protecting Americans' constitutional rights, priviliges and immunities in the promulgation of U.S. foreign and domestic policy and in the discharge of her duties as an elected member of Congress.
Hillary failed her duty owed the American people to uphold our constitution and defend our rights. Therefore, at a minimum, Hillary owes you and all the other suffering survivors an apology. Hillary also owes an apology to each of the 25,000 men and women who are permanently disfigured and wounded for her failure to uphold our Constitution.
Hillary re-authorized this war over 13 times! If Hillary was a decent person, she would resign immediately because her guilty conscious would force her to resign. Unfortunately, Hillary feels no guilt or remorse in being responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and God knows how many Iraqis - that's why she won't apologize, much less resign from office. I believe the American people should hold Hillary and the other Senators who unconstitutionally authorized Bush to use force against Iraq accountable for their actions. Without accountability, we have no democracy. Without democracy, we have no constitution. Without our Constitution, we have no life - literally.
Hillary re-authorized this war over 13 times! If Hillary was a decent person, she would resign immediately because her guilty conscious would force her to resign. Unfortunately, Hillary feels no guilt or remorse in being responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and God knows how many Iraqis - that's why she won't apologize, much less resign from office. I believe the American people should hold Hillary and the other Senators who unconstitutionally authorized Bush to use force against Iraq accountable for their actions. Without accountability, we have no democracy. Without democracy, we have no constitution. Without our Constitution, we have no life - literally.
The Democratic Party
The Democratic Party has not and will not hold Democratic officials responsible for their actions. Instead, the Democratic Party REWARDS those Democratic politicians who violate our nation's laws and constitution. Each time I hear Hillary laugh her so very creepy laugh, I cringe. Each time I hear John Edwards ask for support, I cringe. These people have no shame! They feel no sense of responsibility for sending our sons and daughters to fight, kill and die in an unconstitutional, unnecessary war. Instead of apologizing and resigning in shame and horror, Hillary, Edwards and the others are running for the highest office in the land, shamelessly sticking their hands out for cash and support. Hillary offers this pathetic joke: "If I knew then what I knew now." Well guess what? Hillary DID KNOW THEN WHAT SHE KNOWS NOW! She knew THEN she did not have the authority to authorize the President to use military force at the President's own discretion. Hillary knew it then, and she knows it now. Hillary hopes no one tries to call her on it. Would someone get around to asking John Edwards, in person: "Why did you vote AGAINST holding an investigation into who provided the false information used to go to war in Iraq?" I'm sure Edwards' response will sound like a lawnmower running out of gas. I'm still haunted by the incredibly creepy, "Hillary Laff." Gross. Insulting and patronizing at best. When I hear Hillary's MadFunHouse laugh, I see American soldiers' tombstones. What do you see?
Third Party - "The Accountability Party"
This is why We The People must form a new third party and support this new third party so We The People can gain a voice in our lives and our political system. Without a third party, we will not be heard, we will not have a voice in our nation's political system. Without a third party, we will get more of the same. It will take a third party to stop the War Machine. The Democratic and Republican parties will continue to run the War Machine, sending more of your sons and daughters to their needless deaths. Do you honestly believe that after Hillary is sworn in, the Big Red War Machine is just going to be packed up and folded away in their closet? Of course not......there's way too much profit, power and pre-eminence in keeping the Big Red War Machine on the table.
Problem: Why They Attacked Us Twice and continue to target America for terrorism
According to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the terrorists attacked us because they hate freedom, democracy and our hot dogs, apple pies and Chevrolets. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is, they attacked us because of U.S. support of Israel and the U.S. military occupation of Muslim land. Says who? Says bin Laden, Ramsey Yousef and Sheik Khalid Mohammed. Yet pro-Israeli war supporters inside the United States will tell you the terrorists are really lying - they really do hate our hot dogs, apple pies and Chevrolets - and the only solution is to "hunt'em down and kill'em all" before they kill us all in our own backyards. The truth is, Muslims view us as hypocrits for claiming to be a nation of laws and a supporter of international laws, yet our government continues to help Israel defy U.N. Resolution 242 ordering Israel out of the Palestinian territories, by arming and funding Israel's forty year long illegal military occupation of Palestine. The entire Muslim world views our government as hypocrits since our government will not even breathe a single word about Israel refusing to allow U.N. weapons inspectors into Israel to inspect Israel's illegal nuclear weapons. Just think what you could buy if you had a quarter each time you heard George W. Bush say, "Saddam must comply with the U.N. resolution." Israel has the fourth largest very illegal nuclear stockpile on the planet, with over 200 nuclear weapons, yet not a peep out of our government officials.
The fact remains: each time an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian with American-made and provided weapons, the entire Muslim world squarely and rightfully blames America for those needless deaths. These unlawful, immoral killings have been a staple of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine for over four decades now - and you wondered why they attack and hate us. The bottom line is, as long as our Congress funds and arms Israel, that's how long America will continue to be the target of terrorism.
The fact remains: each time an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian with American-made and provided weapons, the entire Muslim world squarely and rightfully blames America for those needless deaths. These unlawful, immoral killings have been a staple of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine for over four decades now - and you wondered why they attack and hate us. The bottom line is, as long as our Congress funds and arms Israel, that's how long America will continue to be the target of terrorism.
Common Goals
The goal is peace. bin Laden and the American people have the same goal - peace for America.
bin Laden told the American people not to listen to George Bush and Dick Cheney when they say terrorism will not end in our lifetime or our children's lifetime. bin Laden said he doesn't want war for his children no more than we want war for our children. bin Laden specifically stated his complaints of the U.S. government, yet the U.S. media/government works overtime in keeping bin Laden's message from the American people. bin Laden even told Americans how to end terrorism against America. bin Laden warned the American people that Muslims and Jews will be fighting for a long, long time, and that it is not worth sending our sons and daughters to fight and die for Israel.
bin Laden said we can end terrorism against America by electing representatives to Congress who represent the interests of the American people instead the interests of Israel.
bin Laden said we can end terrorism against America by electing representatives to Congress who represent the interests of the American people instead the interests of Israel.
Founding Fathers Warned Us of "Foreign entanglements."
The truth is our Founding Fathers warned and wrote extensively of America becoming entangled and involved in foreign wars. See, http://www.corvusblog.com/foundingfathers.htm
This is common sense - for Americans. This American truism and principle does NOT make common sense for the Israeli government and those U.S. politicians who support the Israeli government. The Israeli government has an interest in getting America to fight their enemies for Israel. That interest has resulted in the hijacking of our government by pro-Israeli American politicians.
The Solution
"The Solution" can be found in understanding the problem from the American perspective. It is through the lens of the American perspective with which "The Solution" is visible. Ending terrorism against America and ending terrorism against Israel are two entirely different things, only one of which is our government's duty owed its citizens. Our government does not owe Americans a duty to protect Israel; conversely, our government DOES OWE A DUTY to Americans to protect America. The answer lies therein. (and below)
"The Peace Treaty of 2007"
America needs a "Peace Treaty" with "The Terrorists." Why? Despite the criminal nature of the 9/11 hijackers, the complaints/demands of Muslim terrorists are legitimate complaints echoed by virtually the entire non-violent Muslim world. In other words, "The Terrorists" complaints are two-fold:
1.) U.S. support of Israel; referring to our Congress funding and arming Israel's 40 yr. long illegal military occupation of the Palestinian territories with American weapons and American tax dollars.
2.) U.S. military occupation of Muslim land; including Iraq and Afghanistan.
As I mentioned above, each terrorist who attacked or planned attack on the U.S. cite these two distinct complaints. bin Laden warned the American people about these two complaints before, during and after 9/11. Again, the U.S. media has worked overtime to keep this message from the American people. Unfortunately, too many Americans still believe Bush and Cheney's lie as to why the terrorists attacked us on 9/11.
When the 9/11 Commission asked the FBI why did the 9/11 hijackers attack us? The FBI stated that U.S. support of Israel was the motivation of the 9/11 hijackers. Unfortunately and disgustingly, the 9/11 Commission saw fit to omit this FACT from the final 9/11 Commission Report.
Therefore, since our government will not offer a "Peace Treaty" to "The Terrorists," the American people should offer a "Peace Treaty" to "The Terrorists" with the understanding that the purpose of establishing this "Peace Treaty" is to gain and foster support for a new third political party who WILL FOLLOW our U.S. laws and Constitution in ending the illegal, unconstitutional U.S. military occupation of Muslim nations and ending the flow of billions of American tax dollars and American weapons to Israel.
The Road To Peace runs right through the doors and halls of the Democratic and Republican parties......right though to Congress and the White House. The Road To Peace begins in America, and ends in America. The Road To Peace is paved with the American perspective and the goal of understanding - the understanding that peace comes not as a result of violence, mayhem and institutional disobedience, but as a result of non-violence and obedience to our nation's laws and constitution.
In other words, if our political parties and leaders followed our American laws and U.S. Constitution, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. We wouldn't be bogged down in Iraq or Afghanistan. 9/11 would NOT HAVE OCCURRED, if it weren't for the unlawful transfer of American tax dollars and weapons to Israel, and the subsequent unlawful U.S. military occupation of Muslim land. Our nation's laws and Constitution do not authorize the illegal Bush Doctrine of unprovoked, pre-emptive military strikes against sovereign nations; yet there you have Hillary, Obama and Edwards.....all three willing to keep U.S. troops in Iraq until at least 2013 - never mind our nation's laws and constitution proscribing such unlawful military action and occupations. Unfortunately, the pro-war brainwashing is so complete too many Americans mistakenly believe U.S. military occupations are lawful and constitutional - they're not. Not by a long shot. If you believe either the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes and/or the subsequent military occupations are lawful and constitutional, click here:
The fact remains: As long as our Congress continues to fund and arm Israel's illegal military occupation of Palestinian territories, that's how long America will continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism.
The question remains: Is it worth it? Is it worth unlawfully funding and arming Israel, just so America can continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism? Is it worth continuing to militarily occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, just so America can continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism?
The answer remains: Of course not.
Bin Laden said, "We swore that America wouldn't live in security until we live it truly in Palestine. This showed the reality of America, which puts Israel's interest above its own people's interest. America won't get out of this crisis until it gets out of the Arabian Peninsula, and until it stops its support of Israel." http://www.investigate911.com/911motives.htm
The fact remains: As long as our Congress continues to fund and arm Israel's illegal military occupation of Palestinian territories, that's how long America will continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism.
The question remains: Is it worth it? Is it worth unlawfully funding and arming Israel, just so America can continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism? Is it worth continuing to militarily occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, just so America can continue to be the target of Muslim terrorism?
The answer remains: Of course not.
Why else doesn't the media tell the American people the true reason Islamic terrorists target us for terrorism? Because our American media is owned and operated by pro-Israeli interests, over and beyond the interest of the American people. Have you ever heard our American-Zionist media tell the American people Israel has been in violation of over 71 U.N. resolutions for over 37 years now? No, you haven't. Watch these videos to see how pro-Israel persons in media manipulate what you see and hear all day, every day.
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