Friday, August 29, 2008

Don't Get Me Started

Its great to hear Nations in the 21st Century can't invade another. From my recall at least 2 high powered Politicians feel the same way as me and you. Hey, but lots of us know words from deeds.

What kind of Freedom can Iraq ever give US? Somehow it seems that Bill O'Reilly's 20 bucks a barrel oil may turn into 20 a gallon if things keep going this way.

Thank god some lady in a bar pushed Rodney Crowell to write this “Don't Get me Started. I came into this Club to unwind." I've been looking for a troubadour such as him since Steve Earle sang “The Revolution Starts Now.” Earle wrote his song to try to Win the White House for Kerry. (So by now you should know whose side that I am on.)

I've heard lots of trumpets in my life. Rodney in 1994 singing “Let the Picture Paint Itself and It Will Be Alright.” All those songs from earlier seemed to rush through my mind. The Traveling Wilburies “Handle US With Care” With Dylan's Tweeter and the Monkey Man- “were hard up for cash...” They knew in Jersey anything was legal as long as you don't get caught.” While tossing in Steve Earle's the Revolution Starts Now, I can't help but recall the Rolling Stone's words, “Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints” -keep running through my mind.

What kind of truth are we looking of here in the Land of the Free? I know what Ben Franklin said back in his time: “A people who will sacrifice liberty for security, shall get nor deserve either.” When “they”can take away the right to drive sober, “they” have crossed the line. “Their” ways will only lead Men who can't get to work, to lose their homes, which will kill their self image, all of which can very likely lead to a life of violent crime, unless some hope can be restored to an oppressed People. Steve Earle here heard the same Voice Woody heard when Woody wrote This Land is Your Land.-(not the oil companies)

How would the powers that be rather be treated? Do they want to spread out the wealth as Isaiah 23:17-18 states, which there is no record of ever being fulfilled? Or are “we the people” going to have to throw the kings in jail to fulfill it, as 24;21-24 states? I would rather “they” start to handle US with much care. (I KNOW WHO THE GUILTY ARE RIGHT NOW! I've seen it for 28 years!)

Have we all learned too sing loud, so we can end war and stuff? I've read plenty of pissed off words about our times, in some very well written articles. I have loved Music since hearing the Beatles, while pretending to play guitar in our drive way. I hope it all ends as peaceful as this Man's song, who opened the door of his house to meet Dylan, who came to meet his Father.

But it can't end there. This John Hinde has recently passed on. An old time troubadour close to the kind Pete Seeger is trying to hammer out Peace with every step Pete makes. If you knew Pete, he could be compared to a super hero. lol Sad to say Pete was blackballed many years ago, and could only sing to kids. It only gave this John Hinde more reason to sing. Raise your Glass.

It was JFK who said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable."

I have worked as Union Electrician in a good part of this land. And the Union Brothers taught me well about how things should work.

Tags: latter, peace, times., unions, war

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