Monday, November 14, 2011

Need vs Greed

Need vs Greed
If we had foreign policies for the 99%, we wouldn’t be fighting oil wars costing trillions of dollars and way too many lives, maintaining a thousand foreign military bases, supporting foreign militaries and dictatorships, but instead would be supporting democracies, democratic movements, and sustainable development around the world. Helping to clean up the world’s water, for example, would cost a fraction of the bloated U.S. military budget

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Interesting Times in Saskatchewan

Unions are in for the fight of their lives, and so are the weak and vulnerable people of Saskatchewan.
We are seeing the classic "big-bank"-ish scenario being played out here royally. We are the new "big thing" for resources - oil, diamonds, water, you name it.
We recently (Nov. 7) voted in the scoundrels back in - in a majority no less.. & they are selling us off faster than we are being told. The msm media played their classic role well.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ron Paul to Bill O'Reilly: I Don't Like Demagogues

I'll go with Ron Paul for what he is right about with ending The Fed and bring all of the Troops home, and minding our own business over seas. Do I agree with all of his views? No. I don't agree with everything that comes out of my own mouth. There are enough social activists who will tell him what they think promoting the general welfare means to them. To me it could have just as well said helping with the common good.