Since the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth has been preached all over the world for a witness to the nations as The Lamb said in Matthew 24:14, we are clearly living near the dawn of a New Age - the age of that child in Isaiah 9:6 whose Kingdom will have peace from “that time on and forever.” The song Age of Aquarius describes it well, along with Lennon's Imagine.
Isaiah 2 and Micah 4:3 says they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation and never again will they train for war. We won't have the trouble President Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address of the giant military industrial complex. Won't that free up lots of this Land's problems by giving us more cash to play with?
Many wise men have seen that a standing army has been the “bane of liberty since the sword. America must show the rest of the world how to combine technology with nature.
The Christian Church won't like this statement but I can see that most New Testament as writings that were meant for the people living at the time of those writings. The Gospels are basically just records of history, except for the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew and Luke where Christians are told to turn the other cheek and go the extra mile. The most important verse of the whole New Testament is in Acts where the early saints held all their possessions in common. To me, that sounds more like communism than capitalism.
If you look at the Four Horsemen of Revelations 6 and look at history, you will see that the kings of the earth, and others, have had Authority to wage war. They have been riding for thousands of years. Even people have had authority to take peace from Earth. The Lamb said in Mathew 24 that these days would be shortened or else no one would have survived, even the elect, if that were possible. They were partly shortened by John Lennon's death in the Big Apple. And isn't the heart and soul of Lennon's Imagine having all things in common.
I can only ask you to read Daniel 2, & 7-12, which is all one vision broken up in parts. Then take some time to look around at the times we live in. For these times are just like 200 years ago here, and 2000 years ago in Israel. Daniel 8:9-14 was kept secret in 8:26. It is a vision of a horn (the establishment of today.) which grew up to the hosts of heaven and dragged stars and hosts out of the sky and trampled them. That is pretty much explained by Jacob's Ladder, which was a dream of angels coming up and down a ladder, which folk singers have been singing about for some time with the words, “We are climbing Jacob's Ladder. Every rung going higher and higher making us stronger and stronger.” No super man is going to come flying out of the sky, like so many people have lots of other people waiting for.
Let me tell you this about the Peals of Thunder sealed up in Revelation 10 being Rock and Roll. I was writing one of my four brothers about all the good things that were to happen in the last days, like the lion laying down with the calf, children playing by the cobra den, our beating our swords into union led plowshares, old men dreaming dreams, when this thought popped into my head and I wrote it down just as it came to me, "We may very well have been hearing the seven peals of thunder for sometime now," without ever remembering hearing of the Peals of Thunder.
I knew right away they were Rock and Roll. Take a good look around at the last 50 years and you will clearly see, that it is Rock and Roll which has been singing about true freedom and peace. You can find some of those words that were kept secret in the last advice given to John in Revelation 22:10-11 where he is told to basically let it be, live and let die, which you know Paul McCartney wrote.
I ask you to read about the man named Branch in Zechariah 3 & 6, Isaiah 4 and Jeremiah 23 & 33, for he is the leader who will be one of them in Jeremiah 30:21-24. The Church is wrong in telling you Christ was the Branch. I tell you the branch is one of the Prophets of Revelations 11 who get killed by today's establishment.I really love Jeremiah 31:31-34 where it says they will no longer teach know the lord, for all will l know him. And all our sins will be thrown into the bottom of the sea, never to be remembered ever again.
Jeremiah 23:33-40 is a stern warning for holding to the oracle too, or there will be an everlasting reproach which will never be forgotten if you do. For each Man's own words will become the oracle. Which is the Liberty this Land was founded on. And if you study Jeremiah 23 you will see that pollution has spread through out the Land from the Prophets of the Church.My favorite verse about these days is Daniel 12:3, where those with insight shall shine brightly and lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever and ever.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
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